
Carnatic Music


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday : 4pm to 5pm IST (Batch 1)

5pm to 6pm IST (Batch 2)

Carnatic music class in progress

Carnatic Music is one of the oldest music that originated from South India. It is one of the subgenres of Classical Music of India. The music consists of Sruthi, Swara, Raga, Tala and Bhava. Sangeeta Pitamaha Sri Purandara Dasa formulated the basic lessons of teaching Carnatic music by structuring graded exercises known as Svaravalis and Alankaras. Sapthaswaras SA, RI, Ga, Ma, Pa, Da, Ni make the music. There are 72 chief ragas known as the melakarta ragas, which have given birth to several other fantastic ragas.

Guru Smt. Rama Srishailan